

command spell


静かな夜よ 清し夜よ 我らはかねてより彼の力を望んでいた 我らの主として 怒りからの解放を 我らが父の時代からずっと 人の全てを赦すと約束したことを 人の全てを赦すと約束したことを


I am a cogwheel of the fate. この躯は運命の歯車でできている I've already fired furnace of my heart, 炉に情熱の灯火を And kept blood and tears in crucible of my brain. 坩堝に涙と血液を Criticism is my hammer, 批難は鉄槌 And organ is my anvi…


I am a cogwheel of the fate. この躯は運命の歯車でできている I've already fired furnace of my heart, 炉に情熱の灯火を And kept blood and tears in crucible of my brain. 坩堝に涙と血液を Criticism is my hammer, 批難は鉄槌 And organ is my anvi…


I am a cogwheel of the fate. この躯は運命の歯車でできている I've already fired furnace of my heart, 炉に情熱の灯火を And kept blood and tears in crucible of my brain. 坩堝に涙と血液を Criticism is my hammer, 批難は鉄槌 And organ is my anvi…


呪いというのは基本的に"返って来る"のを知らんのか。 twitterという公衆の面前で呪詛振り撒いたら、その結果はお察し案件だろうに。四方八方に呪詛ぶちまけて、その呪いが返ってきただけなのに「なんで私がこんな目に」などと、のたうち回る様を見て、「お…


I am a cogwheel of the fate. この躯は運命の歯車でできている I've already fired furnace of my heart, 炉に情熱の灯火を And kept blood and tears in crucible of my brain. 坩堝に涙と血液を Criticism is my hammer, 批難は鉄槌 And organ is my anvi…


…通常ならば、祝詞で終わるはずのエントリなのだが。 〈銀の虹の姫君〉(壱) I am a cogwheel of the fate. この躯は運命の歯車でできている I've already fired furnace of my heart, 炉に情熱の灯火を And kept blood and tears in crucible of my brain. …


I am a cogwheel of the fate. この躯は運命の歯車でできている I've already fired furnace of my heart, 炉に情熱の灯火を And kept blood and tears in crucible of my brain. 坩堝に涙と血液を Criticism is my hammer, 批難は鉄槌 And organ is my anvi…


I am a cogwheel of the fate. この躯は運命の歯車でできている I've already fired furnace of my heart, 炉に情熱の灯火を And kept blood and tears in crucible of my brain. 坩堝に涙と血液を Criticism is my hammer, 批難は鉄槌 And organ is my anvi…


幸せな生き方もあるだろうし、そうじゃない生き方もあるんだろうさ。 https://t.co/d2DGVRB2Tp— Terra Khan (@DrTerraKhan) March 27, 2021 自分の幸せのためだけに生きていく人生なら、神様に祈る必要なんて無い。


I am a cogwheel of the fate. この躯は運命の歯車でできている I've already fired furnace of my heart, 炉に情熱の灯火を And kept blood and tears in crucible of my brain. 坩堝に涙と血液を Criticism is my hammer, 批難は鉄槌 And organ is my anvi…


I am a cogwheel of the fate. この躯は運命の歯車でできている I've already fired furnace of my heart, 炉に情熱の灯火を And kept blood and tears in crucible of my brain. 坩堝に涙と血液を Criticism is my hammer, 批難は鉄槌 And organ is my anvi…


静かな夜よ 清し夜よ 我らはかねてより彼の力を望んでいた 我らの主として 怒りからの解放を 我らが父の時代からずっと 人の全てを赦すと約束したことを 人の全てを赦すと約束したことを


I am a cogwheel of the fate. この躯は運命の歯車でできている I've already fired furnace of my heart, 炉に情熱の灯火を And kept blood and tears in crucible of my brain. 坩堝に涙と血液を Criticism is my hammer, 批難は鉄槌 And organ is my anvi…


I am a cogwheel of the fate. この躯は運命の歯車でできている I've already fired furnace of my heart, 炉に情熱の灯火を And kept blood and tears in crucible of my brain. 坩堝に涙と血液を Criticism is my hammer, 批難は鉄槌 And organ is my anvi…


I am a cogwheel of the fate. この躯は運命の歯車でできている I've already fired furnace of my heart, 炉に情熱の灯火を And kept blood and tears in crucible of my brain. 坩堝に涙と血液を Criticism is my hammer, 批難は鉄槌 And organ is my anvi…


I am a cogwheel of the fate. この躯は運命の歯車でできている I've already fired furnace of my heart, 炉に情熱の灯火を And kept blood and tears in crucible of my brain. 坩堝に涙と血液を Criticism is my hammer, 批難は鉄槌 And organ is my anvi…


I am a cogwheel of the fate. この躯は運命の歯車でできている I've already fired furnace of my heart, 炉に情熱の灯火を And kept blood and tears in crucible of my brain. 坩堝に涙と血液を Criticism is my hammer, 批難は鉄槌 And organ is my anvi…


I am a cogwheel of the fate. この躯は運命の歯車でできている I've already fired furnace of my heart, 炉に情熱の灯火を And kept blood and tears in crucible of my brain. 坩堝に涙と血液を Criticism is my hammer, 批難は鉄槌 And organ is my anvi…


I am a cogwheel of the fate. この躯は運命の歯車でできている I've already fired furnace of my heart, 炉に情熱の灯火を And kept blood and tears in crucible of my brain. 坩堝に涙と血液を Criticism is my hammer, 批難は鉄槌 And organ is my anvi…


静かな夜よ 清し夜よ 我らはかねてより彼の力を望んでいた 我らの主として 怒りからの解放を 我らが父の時代からずっと 人の全てを赦すと約束したことを 人の全てを赦すと約束したことを


I am a cogwheel of the fate. この躯は運命の歯車でできている I've already fired furnace of my heart, 炉に情熱の灯火を And kept blood and tears in crucible of my brain. 坩堝に涙と血液を Criticism is my hammer, 批難は鉄槌 And organ is my anvi…


I am a cogwheel of the fate. この躯は運命の歯車でできている I've already fired furnace of my heart, 炉に情熱の灯火を And kept blood and tears in crucible of my brain. 坩堝に涙と血液を Criticism is my hammer, 批難は鉄槌 And organ is my anvi…


I am a cogwheel of the fate. この躯は運命の歯車でできている I've already fired furnace of my heart, 炉に情熱の灯火を And kept blood and tears in crucible of my brain. 坩堝に涙と血液を Criticism is my hammer, 批難は鉄槌 And organ is my anvi…


I am a cogwheel of the fate. この躯は運命の歯車でできている I've already fired furnace of my heart, 炉に情熱の灯火を And kept blood and tears in crucible of my brain. 坩堝に涙と血液を Criticism is my hammer, 数多の批評を鉄槌に And organ is…


I am a cogwheel of the fate. この躯は運命の歯車でできている I've already fired furnace of my heart, 炉に情熱の灯火を And kept blood and tears in crucible of my brain. 坩堝に涙と血液を Criticism is my hammer, 数多の批評を鉄槌に And organ is…


I am a cogwheel of the fate. この躯は運命の歯車でできている I've already fired furnace of my heart, 炉に情熱の灯火を And kept blood and tears in crucible of my brain. 坩堝に涙と血液を Criticism is my hammer, 数多の批評を鉄槌に And organ is…


静かな夜よ 清し夜よ 我らはかねてより彼の力を望んでいた 我らの主として 怒りからの解放を 我らが父の時代からずっと 人の全てを赦すと約束したことを 人の全てを赦すと約束したことを


I am a cogwheel of the fate. この躯は運命の歯車でできている I've already fired furnace of my heart, 炉に情熱の灯火を And kept blood and tears in crucible of my brain. 坩堝に涙と血液を Criticism is my hammer, 数多の批評を鉄槌に And organ is…


I am a cogwheel of the fate. この躯は運命の歯車でできている I've already fired furnace of my heart, 炉に情熱の灯火を And kept blood and tears in crucible of my brain. 坩堝に涙と血液を Criticism is my hammer, 数多の批評を鉄槌に And organ is…

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